Space Saving Ideas For Small Nursery

If you’re tight on space, creating the nursery you’ve always dreamed of could be a bit of a challenge. You’ll soon find out firsthand that one tiny little baby takes up a lot of room. And, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to find a spot for everything, including the baby! Not to worry – with a little determination and ingenuity, you’ll be able to free up room and make your baby’s living space, well, more livable.

Keep in mind that your baby’s safety is always a top priority, so be sure to purchase furniture and equipment that meet current safety standards. And, remember to always have measurements on hand so you can easily determine if a piece of furniture will fit into your smaller nursery.

Multipurpose change tables are a great place to start. Choose a table that has shelves and drawers that you can use to store diapers, wipes, and linens. Having diaper cream, nail clippers, hair clips, and wipes close at hand will help you tackle any situation that might arise during a diaper change. Some change tables can even be converted to a dresser as your child gets older.


Hang clothes on colorful children’s hangers. If your nursery is without a closet you will need a standing wardrobe. Due to restricted space it may be difficult to open doors or drawers, and you may want to select a model with no doors. These models may not be as visually appealing, but they do provide easier access to clothing.

Stem the invasion of the zoo of stuffed animals and toys your little one acquires with a toy chest or a modular stackable storage system. While a standard toy chest is great for a fast and easy clean up it doesn’t make finding that one special toy a simple task. Some toy chests come with multi-colored bins and shelves inside them. Different colored containers at your child’s eye level make it easier to find specific toys.

Another great idea for your child’s plethora of stuffed animals is the hanging toy organizer that you can clip their favorite characters on. This helps get the toys off the floor without taking up as much space as a toy box or shelving unit. It can be hung in the corner of a room or in a closet. These hanging organizers come in many different colors and sizes for every decor.

Before you go buying a new home because you think you need more space, try out some of these space saving ideas for smaller sized nurseries and children’s rooms. You’ll be amazed at how much space you really have once all those toys are off the floor and in some ways you may find your compact nursery runs more efficiently than its full size counterpart.

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