5 Effective Spring Cleaning Tips

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhxNdahmWp/

Spring cleaning season is upon us. Some of us dread the thought of cleaning and organizing, while others love the idea but don’t know how. Here are some 5 effective spring cleaning tips to make your spring cleaning easier and more efficient.

Scope out your home: What areas need the most work? Where do you skip during routine cleaning? Those are the best places to start. Regardless of where you start, having a plan for when you’re tackling each room will keep you focused on the task at hand..


This is the area most of us need help in. Everyone gets attached to their clothing. During your spring cleaning, think about how many times you wore an item. If it’s been over a year, toss it. If it’s out of style, toss it. If you don’t feel any personal attachment to it, toss it. To make things look neat and organized, colour-coordinate your clothes and roll them in your drawers so you can see everything you own.


Decluttering makes you more efficient and keeps you organized. But more than that, clutter has psychological influences. It signals to your brain that work isn’t done. Studies have shown that a disorganized home adds to your stress level. The scientific implications of inhaling dust – combined with the psychological stress of coming home to a pile of unsorted laundry or cluttered desk – can take a toll.

Clean your cleaners

Most of us neglect this step! The cleaners too, need to be cleaned. Change the filter on your vacuum, clean the bristles, vacuum the ends of your broom to get rid of dust, and of course disinfect them.

Make a list
Spring cleaning can be overwhelming because it seems like you have 101 things to do and clean, but putting it down on paper can make it easier to know where to start. List everything you want done and begin checking them off one by one.

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